The Valfrutta Fresco range is enriched with a new interesting product, Meloro, a yellow-colored melon with innovative features. The name recalls the exterior appearance of the product with a yellow-gold external pulp, which is extremely crispy with an aromatic honey flavor. Meloro offers a caliber ranging from 1.2 kg to a maximum of 2 kg in the later period. These new melons are cultivated, according to the disciplines of integrated production, in Sicily, near Mantova and Modena.
“This product -says Stefano Soli, Valfrutta Fresco Business manager- will be dedicated not only to traditional retailers, through the network of Maestri della Frutta, but also to national retail chains with premium placement. The entire production will be processed and packaged within the Italfrutta cooperative of San Felice sul Panaro, near Modena.