costa d'oroCosta d’Oro is synonymous with quality and innovation in the market concerning table oils in over
100 Countries worldwide. This company constantly enriches its range, creating in its laboratory innovatory, health-oriented formulations. Costa d’Oro is a leading company in the segment of unfiltered, cold extracted extra virgin olive oils, with its products ‘Il Grezzo’ and ‘L’Integrale’. It distinguishes itself thanks to its ability to select the raw material and to ensure turbidity over time. From this experience ‘Biologico’ was born, oil that combines production from organic farming with taste and properties of unfiltered extra virgin olive oil. In the domain of vegetable oils, Costa d’Oro is present only with products that enhance this category: BravoChef, mixture for frying, and a healthy proposal, Omega 3. This seasoning is rich in such nutrients which reveal to be essential to the functioning of our organism as vitamin E as well as Ω3 and Ω6 fatty acids. It can be used in cooking and, raw, for seasoning every course with its light taste.


Production capacity: 120,000 litres/hour
Next new products: ‘Biologico’ (unfiltered organic extra virgin olive oil), ‘BravoChef ’ (with
important restyling and repositioning of the mixture of seed oils for frying), ‘Vitapiù’ (rich in essential fatty acids as Ω3 and in vitamin E.)
Private label (available to produce / already producer): Already manufacturer for Kroger, Whole Foods, Loblaw’s, Fairprice, Zidian, Spar, Safeway, and other leading companies at the world level
Delivery time: At least 2 weeks, according to the destination



ECR Category of membership: Olive oil
Geographic Area of production: Umbria Region
Membership area of typicality: Umbria Region
Shelf life: Depending on the product
Pack Format: mostly 1 liter
Type of packaging: Glass bottles, Pet, cans. External packaging in corrugated cardboard
Shipping recommended / used: Shipped in pallets and by means of containers
Countries where it is exported: More than 100 Countries worldwide. Strengths in the Far East, North America, East Europe
Certifications: ISO22000 (DNV), IFS (DNV), OHSAS (Certiquality), Brazilian Organic Certification (IBD), European Organic Certification (CCPB), Kosher (Orthodox Union), Halal (Halal Italy)
Certification: organic: yes
Other international certifications: BRC (DNV), JAS, Japanese Agricultural Standards (CCPB), USDA - NOP (CCPB),