The French high pastry chooses Molino Dallagiovanna flour

At the Eccelsa Institute in Alberobello was held the first 2019 World Masterclass by the young Mof (Meilleures Ouvriers de France) of the Guillaume Mabilleau pastry shop, one of the most followed pastry shops globally with 265 thousand followers on Instagram.
Mabilleau climbed the heights of the confectionery to the Chambre des Mètiers Angers, arriving in 2011, only 28 years old, to win the honorary title of "Meilleur Ouvrier de France Pâtissier".

Pastry teacher at carefully selected schools around the world, since 2012 he is co-founder of Nuances Gourmandes, in Saint Médard d’Aunis.
During the five days of classes, Mabileau introduced Italian professionals and students to the world of his patisserie with two separate high-level training sessions: "Entremets and wedding cake": Acide, Arabica, After Eight, Belle Helene, Coco, Luna, Majorque, Maragogype, Wedding Cake Galet; "Pétit gâteaux": Cool, Green, Pink, Tarte Citron, Trois Chocolats, Violine.
For this appointment the French pastry chef used a selection of Molino Dallagiovanna products: Uniqua Bianca, Frolla and Brioche Soft and Cerealpiù.


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