Cesarine.it, a network of home food chefs that drives tourists crazy

Cesarine3From Friuli to Sicily there is an army of Italian home food chefs called Cesarine that offer tourists and nostalgic fellow citizens the authentic flavors of the Italian territory. They are cooks for passion and delight that open their homes and their tables, providing a journey of taste that kicked off the homefood tourism Made in Italy.

Cesarine_2The organization Home Food Cesarine was created with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, with the collaboration of the Emilia-Romagna Region and with Egeria Di Nallo, anthropologist, professor of Sociology of cultural and communicative processes at the University of Bologna. It has got the aim to hand down to the new generations the culinary tradition of our territory, by discovering and by protecting even the so-called "forgotten" food and courses.

Cooks for passion and authentic owners of their kitchens, these ladies (and gentlemen) - aged form 40 to 70, spread over the entire national territory – after having re-organized and upgraded their booking platform (www.cesarine.it) share their knowledge with all those willing to discover and know Italy through the flavors and traditions of more than a thousand Italian recipes.

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