Apo Conerpo keeps its turnover of fresh products

Laura Seguso

The mix of such negative factors as bad weather, economic crisis, and Russian embargo in force since August, has not prevented the Group Apo Conerpo from recording in 2014 a sharp increase (+ 12.7% in comparison with 2013) in the volumes supplied by the producers of cooperatives in partnership. A substantial increase was recorded: + 15.4% compared to 2013; the increase concerning fruit was lower (+ 7.9%).

  • President David Vernocchi states: ‘Altogether, Apo Conerpo, alongside with its branch offices Alegra, Brio, Naturitalia, and Valfrutta Fresco, placed on the market more than 1 million tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables, over 630,000 of which were vegetables and almost 406,000 fruit, developing sales of over 670 million Euros, steady on the 2013 level’.
  • Exports, too, is substantial. Vernocchi states: ‘Altogether, 135,000 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables (with an increase of 11.3% in comparison with 2013) were directed abroad, for a value of over 115 million Euros (+ 1.75%). In Northern Africa interesting results were recorded, especially in Egypt, where exports increased by 333%, Algeria (+ 109%), and Libya (+ 70%), but also in North America (+ 26% for export in Canada) and Asia (+ 98% volumes in China)’.

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