The Consortium for the protection of the Bologna Potato Pdo is born

Logo PataBolognaDOP_ConsorzioPatataDOPIt took almost 16 years to turn the Consortium of the Bologna potato Pdo into the Consortium for the protection of the Bologna potato Pdo but in the end they made it.

President Alberto Zampon announced this particular and difficult birth with satisfaction: “On December 28 last year we got permission from the Ministry to operate in accordance with local regulations, and now we are able to protect an exclusive potato thanks to the tools of the European Union, in order to foster the link between producers, territory, taste and tradition”.

This transformation – he added – “is the natural evolution of the recognition of a product of our territory, which is foremost an intellectual property of the territory and an expression of the high level of aggregation of the Bologna potato system that showed peaks of excellence in quality”.Potato di Bologna1

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