Record for export in 2013

Record for Italian food exports which, according to preliminary projections by Coldiretti, in 2013 registered the highest ever, reaching a total of € 33 billion with an increase of 6%. Exports - Coldiretti data – mainly concerns the countries of the European Union with an estimated value of € 22.5 billion (+5%), but Made in Italy grows even in the United States with 2.9 billion (+6%), Asian markets (+8% , 2.8 billion) and African ones where there has been an increase of 12% to € 1.1 billion. The best result, however, is what comes from Oceania, with a +13%.

The most exported product is confirmed to be wine, with 5.1 billion (+8%), followed by fresh fruit (4.5 billion euro), which grew by 6%, while oil does record a 10% increase . Pasta increases too on foreign  tables with 2.2 billion (+4%).

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