The Joint-Stock company ‘Hinterland Spa’, whose premises are at Camerino (Mc), in Marche region, is the third Italian producer of dried egg pasta. With the brand ‘La Pasta di Camerino’, it launched a new line of products that includes twelve references of ‘Maccari’ bronze drawn durum wheat semolina pasta. This new line boasts the warranty seal granted by Marche Region, which guarantees local origin and transparency in each step of the production chain. Anyone can reach all information concerning the origin of the product by means of a dedicated website.
What is it about?
The plus of these products is ‘QM’ warranty seal. It is the acronym of ‘Quality (guaranteed by) Marche’, which certifies each step of the production chain as well as origin of raw materials, coming from wheat cultivations exclusively within the territory of Marche region. The advantage consists in that it is possible to identify each step of the supply chain thanks to the website Gaetano Maccari, founder and CEO of this company, states: ‘This product clearly goes against the general trend. As a matter of fact, recent regulations imposed by the European Union have revoked the obligation of indicating the manufacturing plants on food labels, but we chose to offer higher security and transparency to our consumers, by allowing them to trace the entire production chain of pasta, with absolute added value’. The ‘QM’ mark indicates compliance with rigorous production regulations and independent controls. Traceability is guaranteed for each step and for every operator involved in the production process.
Gaetano Maccari adds: ’The benefits for our consumers are evident and the new line of ‘Maccari’ pasta has immediately attracted the interest by buyers of large-scale retail trade. Origin and transparency are also an added value on foreign markets and our product has reached export markets, contributing to the good business performance our company already boasted. Our goal consists in achieving an export share of 30% of total proceeds of sales’.
‘Pasta di Camerino’ in summary
‘Pasta di Camerino’ is the main brand of ‘Entroterra’. This company, whose sales are constantly growing, is among the national leaders in the production of dried egg pasta, durum wheat semolina pasta, and organic spelt pasta. The sales channels are food retail, catering, and traditional shops. This company aims at increasing its exports up to 30% of its proceeds of sales.