The first Walmart private label concerning a Country is Italian. In the first place, it is one-year-long agreement, but rich in future prospects. A line of rigorously Italian products with ‘Sam's Choice’ brand is arriving on the shelves of this giant of distribution, with the support of ICE and ‘Extraordinary Italian Taste’ logo
‘Such agreements as the one between Ice and WalMart represent exactly what we want to do to grow in the United States’. Minister Carlo Calenda approved the pact between the foreign trade agency and the world giant of large-scale retail trade, which in the intentions of Ice should lead to an annual increase by about 16% for purchases concerning Italian products by Walmart.
The agreement was signed and formalised during Tuttofood. It involves a trial period of a minimum of one year and focuses on creating a line of made in Italy products with Walmart brand, destined to a network of more than 3,600 stores in the United States and called Sam's Choice Italy. Ice will support the launch with missions for Walmart buyers to search for new products that will be placed on the shelves and with the support of ‘Extraordinary Italian Taste’ logo on all promotional and marketing material that will be distributed both online and in the stores of the retail chain.
The presence in the shelves of a 486 billion Euro chain in 2016 will boost Italian exports of authentic Italian food and wine to the United States, whose value last year increased by 4%, for a total of 4.6 billion. More than a quarter is represented by wine (+ 6.6% in 2016), while the most significant progress concerning export comes from ice cream (+ 34.5%) and sweet and cocoa products (+ 31.5%). Michele Scannavini, Ice President, highlighted: ‘The one with Walmart is the first private label of this US group dedicated to a Country’.