In the coming weeks groceries and supermarkets will start selling a new fruit: Eccelsa, a red apricot by Gallo, owned by O. P. Agricor.
The creation of the Eccelsa brand is part of a plan of valorization of the whole production: the company has dropped the production of yellow apricots and completed this year the innovation program dedicated to red apricots, that within two years will be able to boast the full production of all varieties. There are two distinct lines of the red apricots: a traditional and a dark red.
Harvesting will start in the middle of May with the earliest variety (Pricia) and will end on July 20 with the Faralia variety. Compared to 2016, the production, on 250 hectares, will be doubled.
The red apricots branded Gallo will be available in all types, 300, 500, 700 gr, a kilo, a kilo and a half, bulk. “Eccelsa”, instead, will be sold in baskets of 600 gr with a handle (to be well distinguished from the rest of the references) and bulk, in 40x60 boxes.