Veneto is the third Italian region for milk production after Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna, with a share slightly over 10% of the national total. 85% of the milk produced, which in 2014 was estimated at 1.1 million tons (+ 3%), worth approximately 470 million euro, is transformed into a variety of cheeses. More than 50% of the dairy production constitutes the making of 8 PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) cheeses, including Grana Padano, Asiago, Montasio, Piave (data sourced from Veneto Agricoltura).
The dairy processing is run both by private companies or cooperatives.
Grana Padano
An estimated 680.000 cheeses were produced by The Grana Padano in Veneto in 2014 (4.8 million is the national production) showing an increase of about 6%.
The production of Asiago cheese also shows an increase (+ 0.37%) 1.626.146 cheeses.
Fresh cheese
Fresh cheese production is estimated to exceed 1.35 million (-3%), while mature cheese should reach 269. 912 (+22.79%).
Production of The Montasio also shows an increase (+ 11%), which, thanks to its production in Veneto could exceed 900 thousand cheeses.
The Piave production is increasing (+ 14%), and could reach its record production with 360 thousand cheeses.
1 billion euro
The total turnover of the transformation phase is estimated more than 1 billion euro.
The producers
The main cooperatives in the dairy industry are: Lattebusche, Soligo, Latterie Vicentine, Agriform, Caseificio Pennar, Consorzio fra caseifici dell'altopiano di Asiago s.c.a r.l..
The main private dairy industries are: Latterie Venete Toniolo, Latteria del Montello, Tomasoni, Centrale del latte di Vicenza spa, Brazzale spa, Perenzin Latteria, Bergamin spa, Zarpellon spa, latteria Tonon.
Production in tons of PDO cheese
Tons 2013 | % production in Veneto | |
- Grana Padano | 173.917 | 16,6 |
- Asiago | 22.002 | 93 |
- Montasio | 6.054 | 50 |
- Piave | 2.063 | 100 |
- Provolone | 5.878 | 38,31 |
- Monteveronese | 717 | 100 |
- Casatella | 486 | 100 |
The mountain region of Veneto is abundant with locally produced cheeses. The most popular being: Angelico del Grappa, Bastardo del Grappa Pat, Casato del Garda, Formajo Inbriago, Malga Bellunese, Morlacco del Grappa.