The Italian organic production, an important value of Made in Italy

food pyramidThe latest data concerning the health status of Italian organic agriculture and production clearly highlight a good overall trend of this sector, confirming an axiom which for several years has been extremely important for both Italian economy and food productive image.
The Italian organic sector in all its extensive branches, ranging from controlled production, quality processing, certified distribution, has a strong effect on the value of Made in Italy and its quality status acknowledged all over the world, especially in those markets characterized by a higher concentration of wealth and in the Countries with a higher growth rate.
The organic production, from being a niche phenomenon, has become a strong innovatory element, with direct effects on the economic, social, and environmental aspects. Not only this: it has decisively contributed to strengthen the typical and exclusive Italian quality productions, enriching them with a significant added value.
This added value is just waiting to be revealed and effectively communicated in the international distribution channels.

The specific nature of organic philosophy has led to the organoleptic improvement of the more classical references, from olive oil to wine, from cheeses to meats, from preserves to bakery products, and so on. However, the contribution in rediscovering high quality forgotten productions, turning them from missed opportunities into chances for strengthening the quality Italian alimentary productive variety, is even more important.
Just this aspect is the cornerstone on which it is possible to count at the international level.
According to the latest census, organic farms are mostly located in the hilly, mountainous, or more isolated lands, where the less favourable conditions led to believe and invest in the recovery of either new or ancient quality productions by means of a better care in cultivation, a careful selection of processing methods, and a constant support of control bodies responsible for organic certification.
Many quality organic productions, concerning in particular cereals, legumes, flours, preserves, processed pastas, sauces, dairy products, seasonings, are gradually assuming a strategic role for improving Italian cuisine and a Mediterranean-style of eating made of taste, pleasure, scents, mixed with unique aromas, well-being, and awareness of environmental ethics.
This alimentary style and values ​​ have a wide appeal in the international markets and it is important to propose them with an intelligent communication work.
It is a matter of clearly communicating the inherent characteristics of the product and its alimentary strengths, intertwined with pleasure at the table and well-being after the table.
But it is even more important to address the international market, distributors, experts engaged in propagandizing the very best of Italian food, and offer practical solutions which concretely show the overall goodness of their products.
We aim at doing this by spreading the culture of quality Italian organic food as a whole, as for both the most well known culture, but little appreciated, and the least known one, but which would be certainly appealing for the markets.
We will soon undertake together a path of knowledge concerning the quality organic productions we already listed, hoping this way to offer a significant contribution to their best use.

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