Strategic Alliance between Cibus and Macfrut in 2018. In the year of Italian Food, proclaimed by the Government in June, the two food Fairs are committed to making a system. Macfrut (Rimini from May 9th to 11th 2018) and Cibus (Parma from May 7th to 10th 2018) signed an agreement to encourage joint visits to the two events by operators and incoming foreign buyers. The two Fairs have in common a vocation for product innovation and internationalisation. Plant-based products and fruit and vegetables, ready-to-use products, advanced in terms of recipes and content, new consumer solutions, high-service products, and health-conscious orientation are areas of complementary interest, as well as there are common reference markets: Europe, the Middle East, Russia, Asia, and South Korea. The agreement between the Parma Fairs, Federalimentare, Cesena Fiera (Macfrut's organiser), and Italian Exhibition Group (the company that was born from the integration between ‘Rimini Fiera’ and ‘Fiera di Vicenza’) offers a series of facilitations for the operators who want to visit both events on concomitant days. They consist in shuttle buses, trains, and ticket purchase conditions. In addition, an incoming programme was outlined. With the collaboration of ICE Agency, it will bring hundreds of foreign buyers to Cibus and Macfrut. In addition to hospitality, foreign buyers will have dedicated paths in the two Fairs, business visits, market checks in the points of sale of large-scale retail trade, and more.