Arborea goes to China with Uht milk

Arborea begins to export its Uht milk in China: the forecast for 2016 is about 8 million liters. The Arborea Uht milk only comes from Milk Arborea cooperative farms in Sardinia where they rear cows and feed them with the right nutritional balance. The milk is genuine and has a unique taste, thanks to the best natural conditions and to the careful control of the technicians. Homogenized and heat treated with the Uht system, indirect at high temperature, the result is a high quality milk, ideal for your diet. Milk is an important ingredient for everybody's diet, at all ages, for both children and adults. In China milk is becoming a new opportunity like consuming trend as long as the middle class increases its importance along the Chinese society.

About Ugo Stella

Sono un giornalista cui piacciono i punti di vista originali e un po' fuori dal coro, dove si possa trovare qualcosa di nuovo e stimolante. Attento alla tendenze di consumo, mi considero un foodie sempre alla ricerca di novità in campo alimentare, arrivino dalla produzione o dalla tradizione.

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