Which are the prospects for the new campaign of apples, just started with the collection of the first Royal Gala variety? The estimates concerning the European production were made public at the beginning of August at ‘Prognosfruit’ congress, which took place at Merano, in South Tyrol. A good harvest in terms of quantity, approximately 11.9 million tonnes, but however lower by 5% compared to 2014. Poland, the largest producer of apples in the EU-28, with 3.75 million tonnes, reconfirms the unprecedented collection recorded during the year before. Except for Poland, the production in Western Europe looks much more balanced in comparison with 2014. The estimate concerning a lower collection by 5% in Italy – at the end of the harvest - will be probably still reduced, when it will be necessary to consider what is really conferred, after weeks of hot, dry weather in July and August.
Gerhard Dichgans, director of VOG producers association, explains: ‘For VOG producers association, a good full production appears again, without excess, with a smaller number of fruits on plants, but characterized by better size’. In addition, the fall campaign promises many initiatives in support of communication and promotion of ‘Marlene’ brand, which next fall will celebrate its 20 years of life’.
Josef Wielander, director of VI.P, the association of fruit and vegetable cooperatives of Val Venosta, says: ‘Colour, size, and consistency of such red varieties as Gala, Red Delicious, and Pinova bode well, and the expectations, both in terms of quality and quantity, are very positive’. For Golden apples, slightly larger size in comparison with last year is recorded, due to a lower number of fruits on the plant. VI.P, too, confirms the good performance of club varieties (Kanzi, Ambrosia, and Envy). 50% of sales should be directed to exports again.