Made in Italy organic products fly overseas

Organic Italy2Among the most interesting markets for organic products abroad, Made in Italy mainly bets on Germany, France, USA and Canada, the Benelux Countries, and Scandinavia; the most exported products are fruit and vegetables, with 18% of the total value. The trend concerning exports is very bright: in just the first nine months of 2016 the sample of Companies belonging to ‘Assobio’ (National Association of processors and distributors of organic products) sent abroad organic products for 64 million Euros, already surpassing the total home sales in 2015 (63 million Euros).

Italian Fruit organicIn the USA, the share of families that in the last 12 months have bought in at least one occasion an organic food product is 81%, higher than in Canada, where the rate is 76%. And Made in Italy organic products are very successful in these two markets (10% of consumers in the USA and 5% in Canada have tried at least once our organic products); organic Italian products have an excellent reputation with still unexpressed potential.

With a view to export and internationalization, it is important to know that, for the US consumer, Italy is the first in the ranking of Countries that produce best quality organic food products: a third of Americans, 15% of Canadians think this.

Over 80% of US and Canadian consumers are interested in made in Italy organic products: those with the greatest potential are pasta (37%), extra-virgin olive oil (31%), cheese (27%), tomato purees and tomato-based sauces (16%), wine (15%).

A look to the US consumers of organic Italian products represents them as young (18-35-year-old), educated, and with incomes that are over $ 70,000 per year.

But all the foreign Countries represent a very interesting reservoir: the exports are growing by as much as + 408% compared to 2008 (against + 40% of the total agri-food exports). According to the available data, Italy, with 1,420 million Euros (1,650 in 2015) is the second Country in the world as for foreign sales concerning organic products.

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