Consorzio Vini di Romagna heads foreign markets

Improvement and internationalization. These are the key words that characterize the activity of Consorzio Vini di Romagna for the next three years. This is a mission for the Consorzio, supported by the institutional acknowledgement ‘Erga Omnes’ granted last year by the Ministry of Alimentary and Forest Agricultural Politics and now effective, to which more than 100 winery adhere. The decree ratifies the central position of the Consorzio in all the activities of promotion and development of DOC wines: about 20 million bottles produced every year by the grapes of the 15,000 hectare DOC vineyard of Romagna.

The visual choice is strong and innovatory: the bottle is encircled with a bright and expressive packaging, in which places and atmospheres that characterize Romagna, its land, people, are both leading actors and a metaphor of a real wish of discovery: revealing and enjoying the true nature of its wines, living their unique experience.


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